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Pimp Your Work

Best Blog Articles - October 15, 2020

by Scot Herrick on October 15th, 2006

We love to read as well as write here at PYW. Often, we write about what other people are saying and extending the conversation. Other times we just wish we wrote the article in the first place and can do nothing but provide great kudos to our fellow business bloggers.

We’re handing out kudos here.

Every week, I’ll try and give you a good selection of what I consider to be the best blog articles I’ve read during the week - and if you have seen others, please put them into the comments so they can be shared with other readers here at PYW.

So ease yourself back into the work week by checking out great ideas and writing from people I admire out here in the blogosphere.

Here are this week’s selections:

The 360 gives us a great review of the innovation tactics of Yahoo!, Google, Salesforce.com and Intuit and compares what is happening now to the original post in August. Things have changed! Also reviewed is how these companies use Extreme Programming as part of the innovation process. Innovation: How They Do It.

Vern Gambetta over at Functional Path Training offers up a book to read called The Medici Effect: Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts and Cultures. Vern talks about how “Too many people get limited by their knowledge.” This book offers ways to move past what you have learned so that you can adopt ideas from across different cultures and disciplines. Thought Provoking Read - The Medici Effect.

Roger von Oech at Creative Think warns us to Watch out for “Moreness” as more of everything can create problems all by itself. And the question to ask yourself when to evaluate your current problem or issue.

For your right-brain food for the coming week, check out the video podcast at TEDTalks where there is a fabulous demo of a touch-driven computer screen, an intuitive interface for your PC. There is fun stuff and very practical applications as well. When you see it, you’ll go “WOW” just like I did.

Have a great week.

POSTED IN: Best of..., Cube life, General work pimps

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