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Archive for the ‘Career’ Category

July 28th, 2008

Personal Branding Slideshow

Found this short presentation on Slideshare, and I thought it’d be an interesting topic to discuss. Do you make an effort in establishing your own personal brand - whether in your industry at large or within your own company? What steps have you taken?

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By Celine -- 0 comments

July 28th, 2008

Promises in the Workplace


“Promises are meant to be broken.” - Ancient Hindu Proverb (well, not really)
We all make promises at work
We make promises to our supervisors, colleagues, or clients.
We don’t necessarily keep them, but we make them anyway.
When we break promises we look like jerks (or incompetent, or both).  When we keep them, people expect it and they […]

By Celine -- 4 comments

July 15th, 2008

Doing what you love vs. working for pay

In most industrial cultures, when a parent asks their child what they want to study in college, their desired field of study is measured against money.  Say “I want to study Fine Arts!” and your parent tells you to take up architecture instead.  Say “I want to become a novelist!” and people say it’s wiser […]

By Celine -- 1 comment