June 30th, 2007
With all the new social media tools out there, you might wonder if I could use stuff like Ning or even Facebook for business. Well I guess if Twitter could be for business…, Chris Brogan thinks Facebook might just be the ticket…
Chris Brogan: What if you had a completely turnkey solution for managing multi-threaded interactions with […]
By Tris Hussey -- 1 comment
June 29th, 2007
It used to be that desktop video conferencing was like decaf coffee that tastes good-a complete oxymoron. Times have changed. Better web cams, faster machines, USB 2.0, and better codecs for audio and video have made it a good option. Oovoo looks like an interesting download to try:
Video Conferencing might not be that interesting to most […]
By Tris Hussey -- 0 comments
June 29th, 2007
Via Twitter, of course this morning, I found out about TwitterMail which lets gives you a special e-mail address that you can use to e-mail in Twitter updates:
How TwitterMail works
When you give us your Twitter credentials we supply you with a TwitterMail email address. For instance [email protected]. If you send an email to that address it […]
By Tris Hussey -- 5 comments
June 25th, 2007
On Friday Read/Write Web did a review of the web office apps specifically with students in mind, I also saw via Lifehacker some really cool “hidden” features of Google Spreadsheets and these articles got me to wonder if online office apps can really help most folks in their day-to-day work.
Read/Write Web did a web office app […]
By Tris Hussey -- 3 comments
June 25th, 2007
Plaxo launched v3.0 of it’s online contact management service/tool today, and since it’s in the news you might be wondering if you should use it (or restart using it if you have been away from it for a while).
First, just what is Plaxo and what’s all the hype about v3.0 anyway? Plaxo is a service that […]
By Tris Hussey -- 2 comments
June 19th, 2007
I am a begrudging Firefox user. IE was driving me nuts as I opened more and more tabs. I do still think Maxthon is da bomb, but sometimes not being able to use an IE plugin I want/need gets old. So Firefox it is. One thing Firefox is well-known for is its extensions. You can […]
By Tris Hussey -- 0 comments
June 19th, 2007
Did you know that to Gmail trishussey and tris.hussey are the same? Yep. And if you say do something like tris.hussey+pyw@ you can have a whole new e-mail address to filter on?
You can reformat your existing Gmail address by inserting dots (periods) anywhere within your Gmail username. The Gmail Help pages explain:
Because Gmail doesn’t recognize […]
By Tris Hussey -- 1 comment
June 7th, 2007
Ever have one of those days when you’re just not sure your Net connection is up to snuff? It happens to all of us from time to time, but the key is figuring out if it’s you or the rest of the world that is having the problem.
For the basic, “Am I online” test I […]
By Tris Hussey -- 0 comments
May 31st, 2007
Are you trying to bring Web 2.0 into your work place? You know that wikis, RSS, blogs, and other apps will save you time but you can’t quite get the boss to sign on?
I know the feeling. I’ve snuck more than my share of apps over the years into companies. The only way got away […]
By Tris Hussey -- 0 comments
May 26th, 2007
Gili over on Connected Internet (one of my fav sites for new and opinion, btw) has picked the top 5 Web 2.0 apps for the enterprise. They are:
Zoho office
Google Apps
I haven’t tried Salesforce.com or Zoho yet (though I keep meaning to), they rest I have tried and I can recommend them without hesitation. I […]
By Tris Hussey -- 5 comments
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