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Pimp Your Work

Corporate Technology Implementation: Four tips on risk

by Scot Herrick on February 28th, 2007

Yesterday, I provided a great example of a company that helped many workers Pimp their Work through the implementation of technology. While the focus of the post was on how the technology makes a group of individuals more effective and efficient, the whole idea of implementing company-wide technology begs the question of what it would take for a company to do so.

It’s a fair question, because the risk associated with company-wide technology implementations are high.

Here’s four things you can check to see if a company will be willing to implement technology that will help Pimp Your Work:

Dollars to invest. Companies that are working on the edge of profitability often don’t have money to invest in new technology.

Large Corporate Expense benefit. UPS implemented a system to help route their drivers not because it would get the drivers home for dinner, but because they could deliver more packages and still drive 3-million fewer miles per month than without the system.

Improved Customer Experience. The technology will not only save the company money, but will enable the company to offer new products or services to their customers to help increase revenue. Whether it is an add-on feature to an existing service, reduction in cycle time for deliveries, or a brand new service offering, giving customers more at less cost is a great additional component to justifying technology.

Proven Implementation Track Record. If your company can’t deliver existing small projects well, the chances that management will risk a company-wide implementation are small. Failure in these types of projects are very expensive and risk the reputation of the firm.

How willing is your company to invest in technology to Pimp Your Work?

POSTED IN: Innovation, Strategy

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