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Pimp Your Work

Disruptive Workplace Experiences

by Scot Herrick on December 4th, 2006

Instead of dispensing a bit of advice this morning, I thought we’d turn things around a little bit and get some feedback from our PYW readers.

Here’s the simple question: What’s the most unusual workplace disruption you’ve experienced?

There are all sorts of distractions, of course. But then, there are disruptions.

My worst disruptions have been pretty simple: fire alarms and earthquake drills. Evacuating a building and practicing diving under your cubicle isn’t exactly Pimp Level disruptions. So I thought I’d ask our loyal readers to describe their most unusual work disruptions so we could see the range of unproductive work we do.

What’s the most unusual workplace disruption you’ve experienced?

POSTED IN: Workplace Wellness, Cube life

2 opinions for Disruptive Workplace Experiences

  • Alfa
    Dec 4, 2020 at 10:51 pm

    New instructor demo’s are the worst for me when I was still working as an academic lab tech.

  • Tris Hussey
    Dec 5, 2020 at 9:24 am

    Tornado Warning and tornado drill. Yeah, I’ve been through bomb threats, etc, but the tornado ones are strange. Everyone has to get into the stairwell.

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