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Pimp Your Work - Improving Your Work Day Efficiency

Innovation is Failure

by Scot Herrick on October 18th, 2006

How tolerant of failure are you? How about your company?

If you’re like me, I not only don’t like to fail, but I have a fear of failure as well.

It’s something that needs to be overcome if you want to be a success at innovation - we must be willing to fail.

Failure is an important component of success. By failing, we learn about what we did, what worked, and what didn’t. So we can try again using what we have learned to try and make things successful.

The classic analogy is the baseball player where a batting average of .300 is considered very successful. In only 3 times of 10 will the player actually make it on base. Not score, mind you; just get on base where one has to hope that the next batter will also get on base with only a 3 in 10 chance - in spite of the best of efforts - to get on base.

The key to innovation is to fail early and often while learning from the failure.

Failing early means you need to set up what you are going to do as a test or a pilot so that you can quickly determine if your innovative idea is going to have a chance at working.

Failing often means you are out there trying and analyzing what you have done to make things better getting to your “3 in 10 chance” that much faster.

Failure is a good thing because success comes from failing.

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POSTED IN: Cube life, General work pimps, Survival Skills

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