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Pimp Your Work - Improving Your Work Day Efficiency

One secret to GTD, drop what doesn’t work

by Tris Hussey on January 15th, 2007

Over on What’s The Next Action there is a post that I think all budding GTD folks should read (hat tip to Slacker Manager).  What is it?  All the GTD tools he’s used, but has dropped or will drop.  I’m not going to comment on his choices, because that isn’t the interesting point here.  The big thing is that you have to try a bunch of GTD tools, but then know when they aren’t working for you and drop them.  I think GTD is a balance.  Yes, you have to adapt yourself to GTD, and finding good tools to help you is essential, however if something isn’t working for you, don’t fight it, drop it.

GTD, so I hear, is about, improving the way you do things, not making it harder.  Yeah I’ve tried lots of tools.  I think I’ve ditched as many (maybe more) as I’ve tried.  Don’t forget, when you ditch a GTD app, uninstall it.  Save the space on your machine and move on.

Final word goes to WTNA:

Another conclusion is if you are serious about GTD, you need a system that is built for GTD. The Outlook Add in and GTDGmail have this, so make sure you try them and see for yourself if it your cup of tea.

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