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Pimp Your Work

Pimping bookmarks: Quitting Your Job

by Celine on January 4th, 2008

Sometimes, you need a fresh start.  Whether you’re seeking greener pastures or you feel suffocated in the workplace, you’re bound to consider leaving your current job at least once in your career.  Here are some tips on what to think about and how to quit gracefully:

Dealing with professional burnout without quitting your job at The Simple Dollar

Think of quitting your job? Try getting fired instead by Steve Tobak at CNet

How to quit a job: 5 steps and 2 warnings at The Brazen Careerist

7 Reasons to quit your job at The Digerati Life

Quiz: Is it time to quit your job? at BusinessWeek

I quit! How to Resign at About.com

POSTED IN: Pimping Bookmarks, Workplace pimps, Workplace hacks

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