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Pimp Your Work - Improving Your Work Day Efficiency

Spam be gone!

by Celine on April 6th, 2008


I don’t know what happened.  I thought I had it under control.

For over a month now, I’ve been relatively email spam-free.  I only got roughly 1 or 2 spam messages in my inbox per week.

The last two days were different.  When I woke up the other morning, I had over 150 messages.  That’s rare in itself.  What’s worse is that roughly 140 of them were spam.

And this hasn’t stopped.

Is this what the Gods of Email Spam give me because I’ve been too boastful about how I tamed email overload? They’re up there, those spam gods, saying “There! Knocked you down a peg or two!” and laughing.  I can hear them.

I’m going to see if I have some more tricks up my sleeve.  I’ll report my progress here.  I’m taking on those Gods of Email Spam!

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POSTED IN: E-mail, Email, Software tips

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