Tapping into Google Calendar through Outlook 2007
Do you use Google Calendar? Yeah me neither. I’ve tried but it seems whenever I try to get Google Calendar synched with Outlook and my BlackBerry, my BlackBerry gets really, really cranky. It crashes the syncing software in fact. The thing is I have a couple groups now who have Gmail hosted e-mail and that comes with Calendar, of course, so I figured I better get on the stick and figure this out.
First thing that caught my attention was Jon Udell’s post on syncing Outlook and Gcal. This might work for some folks, but it’s a little on the techie side. It is real syncing. Given the problems with my Berry I wasn’t really interested in syncing as much as just looking. Well I was looking around Outlook and found a little thing in the accounts window for remote calendars. Hmm, yeah I remember that now from the beta … Okay so I get the private URL for my calendars (Jon’s post describes this well) and subscribe. Wow, look it worked. BlackBerry works too. Nice. All it is doing is pulling the data down and putting it into a new calendar file. Okay now you have a bunch (three for me) of calendars to look at. Well Outlook has a spiffy overlay view that lets you see how all three calendars interact.
Now I just have to get into the habit of using the buggers.
Tags: Outlook 2007, online calendars, Google Calendar
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POSTED IN: Outlook, Internet tips, Time savers, MS Office, Software tips
1 opinion for Tapping into Google Calendar through Outlook 2007
Feb 6, 2020 at 12:49 pm
I used GooSync on my computer/WM PocketPC/Google Calendar setup and it works very well.
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